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Graduate Students
1. 안정혁 (
- Master at 2016
- LG 화학 연구원 (2018~)
Ir complex synthesis & Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells
2. 김언영 (
- Master at 2018
- LG 화학 연구원 (2018~)
1. molecular engineering for enhancement of photo/thermal/water stability of organic
dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells.
2. synthesizing of multi-color dye showing high efficiency for aesthetic features.
3. 김병만 (
- Ph.D. at 2018
- Post-doc, UNIST (2018~2022)
- Post-doc, University of Cambridge (2022~)
Dye-sensitized solar cell and hybrid energy storage system
4. 김정수 (
- Ph.D. at 2020
- (주) 오투메디 연구원 (2020~)
1. Synthesis of Hemostatic Materials
2. Synthesis of Organic Sensitizers
5. 김현탁 (
- Ph.D. at 2020
- Post-doc, UNIST (2020)
- 한국화학연구원 선임연구원 (2021~)
1. Electrochemical energy storage
2. Functionalization of carbon nanomaterials
3. Organic photovoltaics
4. Energy transfer
6. 남정승 (
- Ph.D. at 2021
- Post-doc, UNIST (2021-2022)
- Post-doc, Columbia University Medical Center (2022~)
1. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) agents
2. Covalent labeling platform for imaging
3. Highly efficient phosphorescence
7. 한현규 (
- Ph.D at 2023
- 피투에스지글로벌 (2023~) :
1. Dye-sensitized solar cell combined system
8. 김광민 (
- Ph.D at 2023, 09
- Post doc, UNIST
1. Flexible, large area Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
9. 이민수 (
- Ph.D at 2024
- 한솔케미칼 (2023.12~) :
1. Applied of Organic Photovoltaics (OPV)
Graduate Student
1. 이응
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells : Organic Synthesis
2. Jiwon Kang (강지원)
Solid-state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells & Organic Dye Synthesis
Undergraduate Student
1. 박소영
Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells
(2014. 07 - 2014. 09)
4. 김민경
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Organic Synthesis
(2014. 07 - 2014. 09)
5. 장윤정
Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells
(2014. 02 - 2015. 02)
8. 김지연
Synthesis of iridium complexs as bio-sensor
(2015. 05 - 2015. 12)
9. 김기철
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Device fabrication
(2015. 05 - 2015. 12)
10. 박현희
Synthesis of iridium complexs
(2015. 12 - 2016. 11)
11. 신동형
(2017. 01 - 2017. 05)
12. 정병권
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Organic Synthesis
(2018.01 - 2018. 08)
13. 최경민
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Organic Synthesis
(2018.01 - 2019.07)
3. 정대현
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Organic Synthesis
(2014. 07 - 2014. 09)
2. 이지선
Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells
(2014. 07 - 2014. 09)
6. 박수빈
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Organic Synthesis
(2015. 05 - 2015. 12)
7. 김은선
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Device fabrication
(2015. 05 - 2015. 12)
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